
Surah hashr which para
Surah hashr which para

O you who have believed, when female believers come to you as migrants (i.e., those who have left their homes. (Berdoalah wahai orang-orang yang beriman sebagaimana Nabi Ibrahim dan pengikut-pengikutnya berdoa ketika mereka memusuhi kaumnya yang kafir, dengan berkata): “Wahai Tuhan kami! Kepada Engkaulah sahaja kami berserah diri, dan kepada Engkaulah kami rujuk bertaubat, serta kepada Engkaulah jua tempat kembali! Sesungguhnya adalah bagi kamu pada bawaan Nabi Ibrahim (a.s) dan pengikut-pengikutnya – contoh ikutan yang baik, semasa mereka berkata kepada kaumnya (yang kufur ingkar): “Sesungguhnya kami berlepas diri daripada kamu dan daripada apa yang kamu sembah yang lain dari Allah kami kufur ingkarkan (segala penyembahan) kamu dan (dengan ini) nyatalah perasaan permusuhan dan kebencian di antara kami dengan kamu selama-lamanya, sehingga kamu menyembah Allah semata-mata”, tetapi janganlah dicontohi perkataan Nabi Ibrahim kepada bapanya (katanya): “Aku akan memohon kepada Tuhanku mengampun dosamu, dan aku tidak berkuasa menahan (azab seksa) dari Allah sedikit juapun daripada menimpamu”. SHOW MORE keyboard_arrow_down Read Juz 28 with Translation and Transliteration 🤲 Tap on a word or hover with mouse on desktop for word-by-word translation.

surah hashr which para

🤲 Explore tafsir by visiting the individual pages for each verse. 🤲 Change audio playback speed if you want to read a little faster. You can minimize the audio player for more screen space. 🤲 Auto-scroll feature: Press play and the ayah will automatically be highlighted and the screen will scroll to give the correct position.

surah hashr which para

🤲 You can listen to the MP3 audio of Juz 28 with the beautiful recitation by Mishary Al-Alfasy. 🤲 Understand Juz 28 with various respected English translations. 🤲 Not strong in reading Arabic? Read with transliteration to help you with the pronunciation. 🤲 Here you can read Juz 28 with Arabic text. Our mission is to make it easy to read and understand the Qur’an. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “When anyone of you stands up for Salat at night and finds it difficult to recite the Qur’an accurately and he is unaware of what he is reciting, he should go back to sleep.” But we suggest not to focus on time to completion but quality, understanding, and the act of learning and worship. You can change the audio speed in the settings to 1.5x making it ~49 minutes. If, however, you follow along with the recitation of Mishary Alafasy provided, the total duration of the audio is 1 hour 5 minutes and 44 seconds. Stronger readers will be able to complete Juz 28 faster than others.

surah hashr which para

This will depend on the reader and fluency in reading Arabic. How long will it take to complete reading Juz 28? There are a total of 9 surahs that make up this juz. Most commonly used during Ramadan specifically for taraweeh prayer. The end of each Juz does not fall perfectly at the end of a Surah, rather it is a way for us to organize and finish reading the Qur’an in a single month. Each surah varies in length and words so the Qur’an was then sectioned into thirty equal parts known as a Juz’. The Qur’an itself is divided into 114 chapters known as surahs. That is best for you, if you should know.” “ you believe in Allah and His Messenger and strive in the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives.

Surah hashr which para